She got a little clock for her birthday. That night, silently, she took the batteries out. Why? She wants the time to stop with her own fantasy that maybe if the clock stops, time may also stop. Sometimes, she makes a wish that time would be able to stop like a clock, whenever she wants to. Many times in her life, she wishes that she would be able to turn back time or freeze it, even just for a few seconds.
Pain of parting…
Life is full of chance, chance of getting to know each other, chance of running into each other and chance of having to say goodbye for a period of time or … forever. Forever … the word itself gives people a sudden pain. Who would not hurt if she has to face with the pain of parting? Slowly, it kills her inside.
Who is to be blamed? Is it you? Or me? Or both of us? Who makes us part? The party has reached its end. Even if you find something, or someone to blame, it has all came to an end. Everyone is leaving, replacing the place once was full of happiness the unbearable pain. Goodbye itself hurts, with the addition of time, the pain gets worse. Destiny likes to tease with human’s feelings. It is said that when God gives human something, he eventually will take back something else. Unfortunately, sometimes, God takes back what he has given.
I will always be there for you… The last goodbye…
Either the person who leaves or the one who stays, it hurts the same way. Who will be the first one to shed her tears? Who will be the last and the most courage person? Denying? Eventually, someday you have to admit the truth no matter how much you want to deny it. No matter how much you want to live with your hope, with your fantasy, the truth will hit you and takes with it part of your soul.
Please, don’t …
Why? Why not?
Everyone is fully aware that the time of goodbye will eventually come. But who among us is prepared for that time to come? We come into each other life, bring along with us laughter, happiness but when we leave, we also leave behind us an immense emptiness in each other heart. The greater the happiness is, the greater the pain will be. So what should we do? Keep ourselves from loving, from giving away our feelings so that we would not be defeated by the pain of parting? It is easy to say than to do. Who is able to keep himself from feelings? It takes a minute to remember someone but a life time to forget that person.
As human, we are weak. Because it hurts, we will cry. But don’t be afraid. Please, wouldn’t it be a shame if because of our fear of parting, we wish that we did not meet?
Goodbye forever … is not something we want to face. But if because of that, we refuse the chance to know each other, would that make us happier? Just get to know each other is good enough. Don’t think about how it will hurt, don’t think about how much we will miss each other. Getting to talk to each other, to face each other, to be able to give each other hugs and, to let each other know our feelings is good enough. Just to be able to engrave each other’s name in the memory is worth it all. Would we prefer to be able to relive good times when we have together to an unacknowledgement of each other’s existence? At least, if we meet, we will still be able to keep our memories. Sometimes, memories are needed for a person to keep going and to exist. The more you hurt at the parting, the more it proves the depth of your feelings. If you always feel sorry, you'll never be able to feel at all.
"Don’t cry!” Never tell someone not to cry. How can a person keep herself from crying seeing the most important person in her life walking away from her? It is cruel to tell a person not to cry. Holding your tears in is good sometimes. But you'll think that is the way it supposed to be after a while. And at the end, your heart will no longer feel anything. There's nothing more unfortunate than not be able to cry when you're suffering.
Little kids think that time goes by too slow. That’s amazing. For kids, time is just like an old turtle, slowly passes by. For many people in this world, time is like a wind. You close your eyes and when you open them, the last minute has come. Within a second, everything disappears like it has never existed, leaving behind its an inreplicable loss. Deep down under the sea flowing the water tirelessly. Up on the ground, time flows tirelessly. No one is able to stop it nor to turn it back. All we can do is to accept and to prepare ourselves for the fateful time to come.
If you draw out what you're feeling, you'll be able to feel a little better, you know?
So, tell me, my friends, how are you feelings right now? Are you sad because there is a possibility that we will never see each other again or are you happy because of all the memories we had together? Or is it a mixture of various feelings that can never be named?
Life is a sequence of endlessly dark and melancholy days as it has always been. You are also just a common person bury yourself with work and let the time goes by quietly and helplessly. That is how life is. Too quiet that becomes ruthless.
Everyday you run into a lot of people. Some of them you just pass by quickly and indifferently. Some of them you stop to exchange casual greetings. The question is, among hundreds and thousands of people that you walk by, is there anyone stay in you memory forever? Do you know that there maybe someone that you talk to every single day but is nothing to you? But there are some that you only meet once but destiny has brought them to you to stay with you the rest of your life.
So many times in this boring world, you unconsciously go through your past without recognizing them. You walk by those people who you used to be so close to but are slowly fading in your memory. You, are also one of those people, forgetting yourself. Once in your life, if you are walking down on a busy street and suddenly you hear someone call out your name, whether you remember that person or not, please smile at that person, because maybe you will help him relive all the forgotten memories.
[Graduation 07/06/09]
[Graduation 07/06/09]
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