"I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing; kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I believe in miracles."- Audrey Hepburn

Jun 16, 2011


I remember that episode from Season 2 of Sex and the City, the "Twenty-Something Girls vs. Thirty-Something women"m Carrie Bradshaw has said: "Girls in their 20s, they are spoiled and ungrateful. They think they're it."

Last year I wondered to myself if that was true and was determined to take notes on this. Now, I have lived a year as a twenty-something girl, and I still wonder.

I am definitely spoiled. I know so, by the parents, the girlfriends, the more-than-friends, and the less-than friends. Ungrateful? Maybe. I do take things for granted. Why? Because I think I'm it. Such a self-centered, selfish, egoistic phase of life. But I like it, and that all it matters, doesn’t it?

It does occur to me though, everyone says that 20s are the best years of your life, or to be vain, the most important and life changing years of your human life. Are these such perfect numbers and perfect moments in life that people would give it all the fireworks?

I mean, there's the great skin tone (even Coco Chanel agrees), great hairstyle, great outfits,  the thrill of fresh experience, the sense of a consequence-free life full of endless possibilities, and maybe the excitement of  the social life and "mind-blowing" sex life which can be included under three of the above categories.

Other than that though, what else do we have to deal with? Horrible dorm rooms and 5-roommate apartments with no hot water and internet that shuts off before midnight? Or, the fact that the no-more-high-school-drama relief is now replaced by something even worse? With the freedom that comes with the number twenty-something, there are terrible things that goes with it, like sexually inexperience men or twin-sized bed that gives one plenty bruises when your "man" is trying to be rough? Or the transcript that is marked with S/F and Dropped-out courses? And the scary thought of what job hunting, CVs, resumes and interviews? Not to forget the embarrassing errors in fashion judgments.

It really makes me wonder what exactly the allure of the 20s is? To me it just seems like a bad boyfriend whom you know is treating you like shit but you just can't get rid of him. It seems to me like my twenty-something self is just a clueless-halfwit who thinks she knows more and has more experience now that everything she's about to do is right and she will fight for it until the end. And most likely, she will end up with her dream dashed, and illusions shattered.

However, I guess thinking about a next 10 year is a little too much of my clueless-halfwited mind after all. It just makes me feel more vain. I can't make judgment on the entire decade based on one year that I've survived. I'm going to have to keep going on this road, and make more judgment mistakes and do more terrible things in order to justify this.

Yeah, definitely too much thinking … I'll just listen to my horoscope for this month. There are lots of things about soul-searching. That might help.


While you can continue to find yourself in high demand at the beginning of June, dear Cancer, you're likely to have an increased need for time to yourself and for extra rest as the month progresses. You tend to naturally withdraw from more competitive or demanding situations. You definitely need a break from a hectic pace and from the critical eyes of others. Even so, your job may undergo a number of little changes that require you to be adaptable and flexible. Friendships that allow you the freedom to be yourself and group associations can be especially pleasant and refreshing.
June 1 
A New Moon Solar Eclipse in your solar twelfth house occurs now and affects you for 3-6 months. This is a period of review, letting go, and recharging one's spiritual and, by extension, physical "batteries". Focus, now, is on fulfillment through service, empathy, and awareness of other's needs; but it can also be a time of withdrawal and some sort of retreat in a social sense, depending on your personal and natural predisposition. Some kind of soul-searching is in order, and the urge to find some level of emotional peace of mind will be apparent. This is a more sensitive position of the New Moon, and it is best to find some sort of peace for the soul in preparation for the New Moon in the first house—a period that is more active and busy than this one. 

June 3-4 
Your Personal New Moon. A new personal cycle begins for you, and you feel fresh and re-energized. It's all about you now, so it's time to put your best foot forward. A blast of personal energy comes your way, and showing your leadership skills works for you now. You are at your most convincing, as others are accepting you at face value. Some people find that the Moon in their sign brings with it a restless, discontented, and emotional state, and that there is more on their plate than they expected or wanted. If this is the case for you, remember that these feelings are there because you need to make a change, however big or small. Use it to stimulate activity and positive change.

June 5-6
Monthly money and income peak. You're looking at the world in terms of value and worth now, and what you have (or don't have) is on your mind. Money issues pop up now—the discovery of a way to increase your income, an unexpected gift or reward, or a brief and tiny financial crisis that motivates you to find new ways to make money are possible.

June 12-13
Romance and pleasure are highlights right now with the Moon in your solar fifth. The Moon is in your element, and so are you! The flowing, expressive, and spontaneous energy surrounding you attracts like-minded (and hearted) people. Be sure to take time to enjoy yourself, preferably around others! Keywords: romance, creativity, spontaneity, pleasure, self-expression.

June 15 
A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs today in the sign of Sagittarius in your solar sixth house. Avoid blaming others for your own state of discontent if that's how you are feeling right now. You can use this surge of emotional energy to make positive changes to your routines. Do something to improve your work conditions if they are annoying you--even if it's a small act of kindness with a co-worker or bringing in something to brighten up your desk or office. Get going on your exercise or nutrition program that you've been toying with in your mind. This may also be a time when a work project comes to fruition or completion.

June 16-17 
Your partnerships are highlighted right now, and it's time to compromise. Insecurities in your partnerships are brought to light now, and the best way to handle this is to understand that you need others instead of competing for the floor. Some people find this time of the lunar month an energy sapper, as they feel ignored or unnoticed. Trying to go it alone won't work just now. The spotlight is on other people for the time being, and it's best to let them shine. Concentrate on truly listening to those close to you, and on playing a supportive role. Perhaps not a time to be make a presentation or to come on strong to the world. You are feeling reflective rather than expressive.

June 23-24 
Monthly career and reputation peak. Your credibility is important at this time of the lunar month, and efforts at self-promotion might be made now. This is the time when you're noticed for what you've done or haven't done. Do your best to be in top form, make career adjustments if needed, and don't be afraid to show others exactly what you're made of. You're at your best when you are showing the world your practical, competent, and responsible side.

June 30-July 1 
Your Personal New Moon. A new personal cycle begins for you, and you feel fresh and re-energized. It's all about you now, so it's time to put your best foot forward. A blast of personal energy comes your way, and showing your leadership skills works for you now. You are at your most convincing, as others are accepting you at face value. Some people find that the Moon in their sign brings with it a restless, discontented, and emotional state, and that there is more on their plate than they expected or wanted. If this is the case for you, remember that these feelings are there because you need to make a change, however big or small. Use it to stimulate activity and positive change


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