I have had an extremely unproductive weekend during which I basically had no motivation to do anything. I was getting scared for a moment since I technically was binge sleeping all weekend. I mean, who doesn't like to sleep in and such, but for me to not be able to get up before noon is somewhat ridiculous. I always feel terrible if I wake up any time after 10am because I feel like I have wasted so much time of the day sleeping. I was just so worn out after the two exams and The Vagina Monologues that by the time Sunday came around, I just wanted to do nothing.
Speaking of TVM, I can't believe this was the last show of my undergraduate career, and I have doubts that I would ever be involved in the show again. Despite lots of dramas, and problems, we put together a kick-ass show, as always. I was rather unmotivated the entire semester and had to drag myself to rehearsal every week. I guess we were too busy stressed out about little organizational details we lost sight of what we were trying to fight for. TVM has always meant so much to me and I am so glad that I have never failed to be a part of it, and put all my efforts into it. I was feeling slightly down that my closest friends here didn't come out to support but I guess it didn't really matter.
Compared to the Sunday during which I did nothing, I accomplished a lot today, despite it being a Monday. I was slightly overwhelmed with the amount of work I have to do for Sigma and was freaking out. I was all tensed and irritated when I was asked "What was one thing that make you happy today?" and that one question made me realize that things are not at all that bad. So I'm making a list of things I love Monday, or Saturday, or Sunday, or all days.
- I am one step closer to one thing that I have been doing for Sigma ever since I joined. Of course it is still in the preliminary planning stage, and I have lots of meetings and writing to do, but if I can make this happen, it'd be one of my most significant accomplishments.
- I should appreciate the friends that I have and the connections that I have made much more. I was being stuck and had no idea how to make this bar party happen, a friend stepped in and helped me out so much that all I need to do from now on is just making a decision (skip all the phone calls and logistic talks). Or when I don't even have to ask twice and people are willing to help me out with other things.
- Encouraging messages throughout my super thick stack of notes that I have to memorize by tomorrow. I almost gave up on studying when I saw the note and it actually kept me going.
- Really really really good indie music
- Really big cups of tea
- Checking off all the things on my to-do list + check off things for the next day too
- Homemade waffles + whipped cream + chocolate ice cream + blueberries at midnight
- Actually crying my eyes out watching a movie =.=
- Long hot showers
- Falling asleep next to someone who keeps me warm
- Extremely good workouts at the gym
- When my best guy friend and I both agree that he knows me best
- People who give me confidence and make me feel good about myself
- Great conversations with my mom
- Looking at apartments ~~~ and thinking about adopting a cat, or a chinchilla
- Cream cheese stuffed french toast at midnight
- Realizing that sometimes going with the flow is not too bad of a thing, maybe
- A really long list of things I love
Let's hope this week will be a good one too. I'll be [fairly] free after that exam on Thursday.